All documents are © on their respective date agm digital arts GmbH . Anthony G Morris, or respective owners/authors and are placed here or information purposes only.
1991 STUDIO SOUND article about Touchdown Studios Virtual Room
1992 STUDIO SOUND Art of Discretion AGM Mic System Review
1990 article from Music Technology Magazine "The Big Picture"
2004 AGM xencode "Facility Encoder" batch processing networked encoder for audio codecs, proposal and concept document. This product was sold to CTS Inc. AGM retained the rights to make modules for processs other than DTS but the prduct was scrapped by DTS shortly after release.
2003 AGM File Packer Utility. This was a neat file utility that created one file from separate tracks of a surround sound production destined for processing/encoding. It also password protected and encoded the file. This was the proposal document. It was produced as a cross platform utility as part of the DTS encoding suite and was designed to prevent any accidental accusation of an encoding facility of getting the file order wrong. It contained also instructions for the encoding and was good for secure archiving. It produced one file with the extension .agm
2009 Rich Bitch Ballet Project . this is the character list with their corresponsing roles in the ballet plot.
2006 AGM "ESsEX" Product Brochure (Three Speaker Stereo" batch encoder for Windows
2006 Press mentions of the AGM "Three Speaker Stereo" hardware product.
2004 AGM TSS 1 STUDIO SOUND review
2004 AGM TSS review from Surround Pro Magazine
2004 Schloss Kranzbach article by Marcus Binney after an objection to the expansion of Schloss Kranzbach by developers
2012 GIESSEN Narthex_ Erster Crossover-Abend im TiL - Gießener Allgemeine Zeitung